Norddeutsche Eisenbahn Niebüll GmbH

Norddeutsche Eisenbahn Niebüll GmbH is a medium-sized company in the district of Nordfriesland with currently 79 employees. It has the following divisions of the former Nordfriesische Verkehrsbetriebe AG (NVAG)

Norddeutsche Eisenbahn Niebüll GmbH logo

RU and EIU

NEG is not only a railway transport company (RU) but also a railway infrastructure company (EIU). Both are managed internally separately in accordance with the requirements of §§ 9, 9a AEG (General Railway Act) with the approval of the State of Schleswig-Holstein. In the past two decades, this separation has also taken place in many other areas that include or require "networks" (e.g. electricity, telephone and internet).

NEG thus grants all other RUs equal access to its infrastructure (for a fee), provided that track occupancy permits. Almost 50 RUs are customers of NEG.

Routes and timetables

In addition to operating passenger trains on the Niebüll - Dagebüll Mole line (with ferry connections to the islands of Föhr and Amrum), NEG also operates the Niebüll - Tønder line in Denmark in cooperation with the Danish company ARRIVA Tog A/S. The lines are operated under line numbers RB - Tønder. The routes are operated under the line numbers RB 65 and RB 66 in the network of local rail transport in Schleswig-Holstein. NEG transports a total of more than 420,000 passengers per year on these lines.


Since 2004, NEG has applied the SH tariff and the tariff cooperation with the Wyker Dampfschiffsreederei (W.D.R.) for Niebüll - Dagebüll Mole as well as the North Sea Island Tariff Association with Deutsche Bahn and W.D.R. on its routes.

Course wagons

NEG operates a scheduled coach service in the summer months and during the Christmas/New Year period. This means that passengers from Berlin/Dresden, Hanover/Frankfurt (Main) and Cologne can travel directly to Dagebüll Mole in two carriages of an IC train of Deutsche Bahn AG (DB) without having to change trains in Niebüll. The same applies to the return journey. The course coaches are transported between Niebüll and Dagebüll Mole by NEG trains.


In 2010, NEG was awarded the state public transport prize for being a "railway with a heart". The company's own station in Dagebüll Mole won in 2006 in a state-wide photo competition in the category "Most beautiful station/most beautiful railway station in Schleswig-Holstein". In addition, Niebüll NEG station has repeatedly achieved the grade "Very Good" in the semi-annual quality checks of the Statewide Transport Service Company (LVS) since 2007.